Connecting people with what they need
Registered Charity 1210714

Part Time Job Vacancy - Benefits Officer

We are currently recruiting for a part time Benefits Officer. If you are you looking for a job that you can shape yourself and you’d like to be part of making a difference to Wincanton this might be the right opportunity for you.

Closing Date 17th December

Do you need help? Many of us do from time to time. Here you will find practical advice and links to many organisations who offer support and resources of all sorts. Scroll down or click below to find out more.

For more information and regular updates please sign up for our newsletter.

Microproviders & Care Workers

For different reasons people need help. Some need 24 hour care. Others need someone to walk their dog, do their shopping or help them to get out and about.

Paid care workers or Microproviders are self-employed and manage their own time and get to understand the needs of people so that they can help them lead the life they would like. The fee for the service(s) depends on the need and is arranged between the client (or their representative) and the Microprovider. On average this could be £15 – £20 an hour.

Other paid care workers are employed through agencies. This may mean that a number of different carers might visit.

Addressing Digital Poverty

Most people have access to a computer nowadays however, there are people who, for one reason or another, do not. Too many people do not have either the access, skills or confidence to use the internet. For some of us, banking, shopping, benefits and job seeking are no longer possible because we do not have the means to get online.

There are possibilities through WINCANTON CARES to learn how to use a computer, or SMART phone.

Community Hubs

WINCANTON CARES is working with a number of centres so that people have places to go to get information about our help and support.

Wincanton Library

Wincanton Library is a warm and friendly place to find help.

The Balsam Centre

The Balsam Centre has projects for offering friendship and relief for most things – from loneliness to transport problems.

Wincanton Health Centre

Wincanton Health Centre is dementia friendly and their skilled staff can offer help on all aspects of health and care. Once you’ve managed to get online, get signed up to ASK My GP.

MHA Communities

MHA Communities at the Methodist Church is another good place to try if you are looking for something to do and would like to meet friends, new or old. MHA run lunch clubs, social clubs, a befriending scheme and much more.

Wincanton Community Hospital

Wincanton Cares - Wincanton Community Hospital
You might be surprised by the services the hospital has on offer. Before being referred elsewhere ask your doctor if you can be referred to Wincanton Community Hospital.


Wincanton Cares - Morrisons
Morrisons partner WINCANTON CARES. We hold a Community Talking Table in the café on the last Tuesday of the month. Morrisons also provides WINCANTON CARES with boxes of food to support people coming out of hospital.

Town Hall

Wincanton Cares - Wincanton Town Hall
The Town Hall is the central place if you want to find out anything about Wincanton and the Town Council. It is also the home of the Community Fridge.


Everyone needs volunteers! And it is one of the most generous things we can do with our time. Expertise in any field is valuable and many people need it. However a listening ear with no skilled training, just a caring and understanding response, is just as important. We’d love to hear from you and to help you find someone or somewhere that you would like to support.

Dementia Strategy

WINCANTON CARES supports the work of the Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia-friendly communities initiative in Wincanton.

If you need help and support as someone living with Dementia or as a carer or friend please contact Wincanton Cares or the Alzheimer’s Society.

Unpaid Carers

Are you a helping hand to someone you love?

You may think you are just fulfilling your duty as the nearest relative or good friend, but caring, paid or unpaid, is tough work and you need and deserve help, breathing space and time for yourself.

WINCANTON CARES can help in a way that will suit you and the person you care for. Take time to give us a call.

Wincanton Carers Group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 2.00 pm. It is an information and discussion group for all carers and often includes experts who can chat with carers over tea and cake.

It’s a good break with helpful outcomes and takes place in the River Cale Café. Try it out.

Emotional Health & Well-being

We all need a healthy diet, regular exercise, a good night’s sleep and people to talk to.

Sometimes any of these things seem completely impossible and there’s nowhere to turn. But there are ways.

Start by chatting to WINCANTON CARES. We have a lot of knowledge about what’s going on in Wincanton and we can link you in.

Wincanton Cares: About Us

We were founded in 2022 by a small group who are passionate about wanting to help the people of Wincanton to live their lives as fully as possible. The focus of our work is support for Adults.

Our Project Officer is Annette Caller, a very skilled practitioner who has a background in helping people to solve their problems.

Nigel Engert is Chair of the Patients Participation Group (PPG) at the Medical Centre and he takes a lead on linking with Adult Social Care and Health.

Gwen Venters runs her own Care at Home business and leads the Carer Support Group, she is also a member of the PPG.

Louise Alderwick is a very experienced Micro-provider who runs her own business in Wincanton.

Jane Langton has retired from working in the Library and is pleased to help out where she can.

Jacky King leads the Volunteering strand of our work and is also a member of PPG.

John Lavender leads on financial and regulatory matters.